What is a fairy ring and what causes them?

Have you ever stumbled across a perfect circle of mushrooms growing among the woodland floor? If so, you’ve discovered a fairy ring. Read on to find out all about this strange yet somewhat magical phenomenon.

What is a fairy ring?

Fairy rings, which are also known as elf rings or pixie rings, are naturally occurring circles made up of mushrooms. The mushrooms grow out of the ground in a circle shape, and some are small in size while others can grow up to 600 metres in diameter.

What causes fairy rings?

Fairy rings are caused by an individual fungus growing underground. The fungus sprouts lots of small threads, called mycelium, in a circular shape. A year later, the mushrooms pop up out of the ground at the edge of the circle, creating the fairy ring. The circle will start off small in size, getting bigger as it gets older.

When and where to spot them

Fairy rings are most commonly found in woodland and grassy areas. The best time of year to see them is late summer to early autumn, and they are more likely to appear after wet weather.

Myths and stories about fairy rings

Different countries across Europe have their own folklore tales about fairy rings. In English and Celtic folklore, fairy rings were caused by fairies or elves dancing in a circle. It was said that if humans joined in the dance they would be punished by the fairies, and made to dance in the ring until they passed out from exhaustion.

In German folklore, things took a more sinister turn, as fairy rings were actually known as witches’ rings. It was believed they were the place where witches would dance on Walpurgis Night, a spring celebration taking place exactly six months before Halloween.